Oh my.. ive been asleep for a while.. hehehe
i missed publishing my thoughts here.
well blogging is my life ever since I was free from a possesive someone.. wahaha *evil laugh*
I just want to thank those peepz who are reading my posts, reacts on my rants and been great friends to me... ^_^
Hopefuly, more adventures, unfortunate events, parties, inuman, and issues to share to you guys.. and as a request from nurse de-jour,i will start posting "naughty" adventures for a change.. ^_^
hmm.. jhed need your help with that! haha kidding..
There has been 5 Responses to ' ' so far
FerBert says:
naughty adventure! aabangan ko ya.. hahaha
Hi Justin,
I'd like you to know that I've been an avid fan of your blog. You are really writing to express and not just to impress.
salamat sa pagdalaw... Happy New Yr sa yo din.
savante says:
We shall hold you to your promise of more naughty tales :P
chase / chubz says:
hey.. hey... naughty adventures.. me likey..
i can't wait!
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