hurt. run over. weak.. thats my heart

Posted on Sunday, December 02, 2007 - 6 comments -

Those who are"Bitter" are the stronger individuals...

Wanna know why?

Because STRONG people know how to control their emotions.

and Bitter People know when to realize that it's ENOUGH and it's OVER.

BITTERNESS is not totally a negative thing.

It's just a way of showing to others that in life..
there is such thing as --

"I still Love you but I do not want you anymore...."

Why in a relationship..

we love someone so much..



u cant sleep bec u cnt stop thinking bowt that person.

And when its over...
all left is chest pain..
tears of regret...
shattered heart and soul...

I know I moved on already with my past but....
what happened to me a while ago made me sad and lonely...
you will never know the importance of someone till its gone..

im happy that you've got someone
who is smart, uber kind, nice and friendly...
after the tears run down on my face again..
i felt better and totaly 100% moved on!

days before this..
i dont know when will i...
stop crying..
stop thinking insanely..
stop worrying what will happen next...

Now, Its the right time to stop all of it Justin...
time to pick yourself up, and face the new challenges of life!

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There has been 6 Responses to 'hurt. run over. weak.. thats my heart' so far

  1. FerBert says:

    bitter din ako... waaaaah!

  2. chase / chubz says:

    ayyy hindi ako bitter..
    very sweet ako. huhuhu. ;)

    you will never know the importance of someone till its gone..
    but there are some people/past you wish to forget.. or wish it never happen.

  3. Oman says:

    Melancholy at its best. Thanks for the visit. Cheer up man.

  4. Sprechtrel says:

    I'm a strong person(no really) 'cause I know how to control my emotions...
    But when I snap, I turn into a bitter one. :/

  5. Anonymous

    Bitter ako. Haha. Pero masarap maging bitter. Haha. Joke. Move on na nga lang.

  6. ruff nurse-du-jour says:

    bitterness is just a phase... or so i believe...

    for instance, it took me quite some time before i did finally move on after my previous failed relationship. it serves a purpose jus, a time to ruminate on your previous mistakes, hoping, fingers-crossed, that the succeeding ones won't anymore be filled with such.

    thanks for the visit jus. if you're into exchanging links, just drop me a tag. :-)